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Learn About The Painting Process


Original Photo submitted by Client for commission.

Original Photo Submitted by Client.jpg


I digitally manipulate the photo for improved contrast, colour and composition.

Original Photo Manipulated for painting


I draw out the subject and background.

Drawing based on photo.jpg


Depending on whether I am working in oil or watercolour, I proceed to the underpainting stage. Then I steadily add layers and details. 

Oil layers take at least a day or two to dry. Watercolor dries within minutes. 


Once I am satisfied with the intensity of colours and the likeness, I call it done!

FYI From start to finish, it takes between 5-7  hours to do a portrait of one subject

Light Areas are masked off and the first

Guarantee and Disclaimer:

  • I guarantee that your portrait will show a true likeness of the subject and will be of gallery quality. 

  • I reserve artistic license with regards to colours and background unless I receive specific instructions from the client before commencing the work. 

  • Once I have begun the process of work, I am unable to implement changes to the original idea we had agreed on with the client at the onset of the process. 

Learn About The Order Process


Submit Photographs

Submit 3-4 photographs which you like of your subject by email to


I will then help you select the one which will make the best portrait.


Portrait Details Discussion

Once we have agreed on:

A. The timeline (typically 2-3 weeks);

B. Which photo I will paint from;

C. Any other requests that you may have.

I will then request payment of 30% of the commission cost by PayPal.


Drawing Phase

Once I have received the 30% deposit I will then proceed with the drawing and subsequent painting of the portrait.


Delivery Details

Once completed, I will send you a photo of the final painting.


We will then decide together on the best mailing method (regular post, courier, etc.)


Shipping Your Portrait

I will mail the painting, rolled up inside an art tube or in a box, depending on whether it is a watercolor or oil.


Final Payment

I will then issue a total invoice, including shipping and will request payment of the balance within 2 days

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