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With each brushstroke,

my subject reveals itself

Are you searching for the right artist to paint your loved one or cherished pet?  

When you commission me to create a portrait, you can expect a unique and cherished heirloom painting to enjoy now and in years to come. As a passionate and experienced portrait painter, I capture the special and memorable features of my subjects. Most importantly, I want your commissioned painting to speak deeply to you. I work closely with my patrons to understand why they would like a portrait and what's important to them.

2018 - I miss my mommy -  9x7.jpg
Viena Paintsg
Viena Paints

Why not just take a photo?

With today's technology, you may be wondering why artists still paint portraits. The answer is simple...a painting is far more than just capturing the physical likeness of a subject. A painted portrait is an artist's personal expression, an interpretation made whole on the canvas. A painted portrait becomes a family heirloom for generations to come.

Unlike a digital image, the artist's special artisanal touch is woven into each work, drawing out the qualities of their subject. As humans, each of us can only know each other subjectively. For me, faces are captivating, revealing, and ultimately an honour to paint...

Viena Paints

Laurie Inouye

I was blown away when Viena painted my daughter... it took my breath away. She truly captured her essence with the play of colour and texture. I just love it!

Viena Paints

Dana Sorensen

Viena Wroblewska painted a portrait for me of my two kids, human and fur It is shockingly great, the second I saw it, I gasped because I saw she had captured my daughters spark and expression in ways that went beyond what a photograph could express.

Viena Paints

Tami Hikida

What an incredible talent! I was the fortunate recipient of a gifted portrait of my sweet canine. Viena captured his image & spirit perfectly. I also love her playful use of colour. My gift will be forever treasured.

© Viena Paints. All Rights Reserved.

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